Friday, November 19, 2010

Millennium Triolgy

Steig Larsson's Millennium Triolgy has got to be the best series of books i have read in a long time. The Swedish author's series has taken the world by storm! When i went on holiday in August, no exaggeration but 60% of people around the pool were reading one of these books, we may have all been reading them in different languages, but nobody could but it down. The books are as follows: (and yes you do have to read them in the right order!)

1. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
2. The Girl who played with Fire
3. The Girl who kicked the hornet's Nest.

The books follow several main characters including Lisbeth Slander who is a distinguished computer hacker constantly on the wrong side of the law. I sympathized with her, however other people i have spoke to couldn't stand her. Michael Blomkvist is a magazine reporter who throughout the series seems to be sleeping with someone. When you start reading the book you have to preserver for the first 50 pages, the swedish names are a little hard to get you mouth around but it's not like you have to say them out loud.

I thought the second book is the best, as the third gets a little heavy into the Swedish police systems, but they're all very gripping. Certainly worth a read.

I recently watched the Swedish film, The girl with a dragon Tattoo, its a pretty good remake of the book, but its definitely not something you can watch with your parents. In parts it's pretty difficult to watch do to the graphic abusive scenes, but it all helps to build the characters and to understand their past. The next film has recently come out at the pictures, so i'll be off to see that pretty soon.

I'd love to hear what you thought of the books/film!

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