Friday, December 10, 2010

To Holt or Not to Holt?

I recently came across several Tom Holt books in my father in law's study. None of them have been read, however he says he bought them as someone highly recommended Holt's Novels. Now normally i'm the sort of person who has to finish a book however i just couldn't get into this one - Nothing but blue Skies. Usually i'm a bit of a realist and i tend not to go for sci-fi or fantasy, much to Dan's horror as he claims i need more escapism in my life. So it was no suprise that when the book started with a scene involving an estate agent who also happened to be a chinese dragon, the book didn't last long and i soon moved on.

I'd be interested to know if anyone has read any Tom Holt's novels? Are they worth the perseverance or do they lay unread on many book selves.

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